The World of Lyssium
At one time the two great Houses of Draken and Helios lived side by side under the rule of the Imperium. House Draken was known and respected for its pursuit of knowledge, technology and resources while House Helios, believed to be the descendants of the Spartans of old, bred the fiercest warriors. And on one moonless night, House Draken turned away from their ruler labeling them outcasts and traitors and in answer House Helios was dispatched to hunt the faithless heretics. And so began the war that would span decades, propelling these two Great Houses into vicious animosity and bloodshed. The historians will tell you a different version, one that illuminates the respective nations in the glorious light of champion. All that is known now is that each House has made it their mission to create generation after generation of the strongest, most ruthless warriors any nation has ever seen, each with their own unique touch of savagery and courage.

Acceptable Draken Camo
- M81 Woodland
- Multicam Tropic
- Olive Drab Green, Solid
- Sage Green, Solid
- Woodland MARPAT
- EMR, Woodland
- Kryptek Altitude
- US Tiger Stripe
- DPM, Woodland
- AOR-2
Contact us about any Green based Camo not listed
Acceptable Helios Camo
- Multicam
- Desert MARPAT
- Tan, Solid
- Khaki, Solid
- Coyote Brown, Solid
- Kryptec Highlander
- Kryptec Flyaway Deadzone
- DPM, Desert
- AOR-1
Contact us about any Tan based Camo not listed
Acceptable Crows Camo
- Black, Solid
- Multicam Black
- Black Woodland Camo
- Kryptek Typhon
Black Colored Headgear Only
Contact us about any Black based Camo not listed