Event Rules

  • Full Seal Eye Protection. Must meet ANZi Z87.1 standard
  • Must sign a waiver upon arrival
  • Event age limit is 14 and up
  • Players that are 14-17 years old must have a parent or guardian present
  • Event is SEMI ONLY besides LMGs, no burst fire/no binary
  • Grenades have a 15ft kill radius
  • Bio BBs only
  • Barrel socks required, no dry firing in admin area, all magazines must be out in admin area
  • No alcohol or illicit drugs on premise at all
  • Teams must have top and bottom of same color scheme. If you are wearing head gear, it must be of that teams color scheme
  • “The Ben Rule”=All accessory clothing (ghillie hoods/viper hoods, etc.) must be of the same color scheme as your faction (cannot wear green if your are on Helios)
  • “The Winzlow Rule”=No Real Tree camo. Real Tree/Hunting camouflage is not authorized at BWA events
  • Must have RED dead rag. A piece of cloth or t-shirt is allowed as long as it is RED and can fully cover your head and face
  • Water is provided for FREE at all War Game Events (3-day events)
  • Only authorized smoke/pea/and sound producing grenades are Enola Gaye, TAGinn, Cherub Milsim and APS branded products

Drone Vehicle Rules

  • Electric powered drones ONLY
  • You must accept the fact your drone may break! We are not responsible for any damages that your drone may incur
  • Airborne Drone/UAV applications must be submitted to us no later than 4 weeks out. This can be done by emailing us with the subject line “Drone Application” and be sure to include initial pictures and what faction you will be fighting for. Must also provide proof of your TRUST certificate
  • Ground Drone/RC applications must be submitted to us no later than 4 weeks out. This can be done by emailing us with the subject line “Drone Application” and be sure to include initial pictures and what faction you will be fighting for
  • Airborne Drones/UAVs cannot be shot down but can be disabled through the use of an EMP and/or Jamming Station
  • Airborne Drones/UAV operators must be next to their faction commanders while operating their drone
  • Airborne drones must stay below 60 feet
  • Ground Drones/RCs can be destroyed by shooting its critical hit spot, which is designated by either an electronic bb sensor or balloons
  • When a drone is destroyed, the operator may drive it back to their location. For airborne drones, just fly back to spawn
  • To “revive” a drone system, you must be inside your factions spawn point or The Chop Shop. Simply attach new balloons or reset the bb sensor to “revive” the drone system
  • You CANNOT use MK2 Paladin rounds or Nerf footballs on drones (including the improvised anti tank device)
  • You CANNOT TOUCH any drone that does not belong to you nor throw any object at one. You MAY place obstacles, such as fallen trees, on the pathway its on to hinder or block its movement. You MAY place a cloth over a drones camera to hinder its visuals (gently)
  • Ground Drones must adhere to the following:
    1. Assault Drones (drones with turrets) must have an exposed 6 inch by 6 inch electronic light up bb sensor (Shooting this sensor destroys it) can be substituted by attaching six balloons and they must be inflated to a 6 inch diameter
    2. Recon Drones (drones without turrets or bombs) must have two balloons(any color) attached to it and they must be inflated to a 6 inch diameter
    3. Bomb Drones (drones with a one time use bomb system, “RC-XD” types) must have one balloon attached to it and it must be inflated to a 6 inch diameter
    4. Assault Drones may only use 6mm airsoft replicas on their turret systems

Medic Rules

Buddy Aid Medical Allowed

  • MSW Tourniquet
  • Mama J Tourniquet
  • Lori Creations Tourniquet
  • 4 inch ACE Bandage

Buddy Aid Explained

  • Once hit, players must stay in place for 5 minutes before they can return to a respawn point
  • During the 5 minutes, they can receive Buddy Aid
  • Buddy Aid is when another player applies a Buddy Aid medical item, such as a tourniquet, to a player that is hit
  • A hit player can be dragged to a different location
  • A player may receive Buddy Aid twice before needing a medic

Medic Aid Explained

  • Once hit again (the player has two Buddy Aid items applied to them), a player must stay in place for 5 minutes before they can return to a respawn point
  • During the 5 minutes, they can receive Medic Aid
  • If a player is hit again after receiving Medic Aid, they can immediately return to a Role 2 or Role 3, respawn point
  • Medic Aid is when a medic hands off a water bottle to the hit player for them to drink. After drinking it, a player may remove 1 tourniquet. Player must drink the entire water bottle
  • To better clarify, the following is how it’s done
    1. Medic issues water bottle to hit player
    2. Player drinks the entire water bottle
    3. Player gives empty water bottle back to medic
    4. Medic will put that bottle back in the bag.
    5. Medic will tap you on the shoulder
    6. Player removes 1 tourniquet for each bottle they drank
    7. Player removes dead rag and is alive again
  • Medics are required to leave no trash behind. Don’t rush to failure. This obstacle will help add to the player’s game experience
  • Medics will receive a brand new water bottle for each used one they turn in. (medics may only carry up to 20 bottles at a time)
  • A player can be dragged to a medic, bleed out timer does NOT STOP when being dragged
  • For Bush Wookie Airsoft Events, the following is how we define the term dragged, as in “to be dragged to a new location”. A player can move a hit player from one location to another by using 1 of 2 methods
    1. Method 1 is to maintain contact and have both players move together, neither players can shoot for this one.
    2. Method 2 is to physically drag them by their plate carrier drag handle, both players can shoot (sidearms only)
  • The player WHO IS HIT is the one that can give permission to be dragged and then clarify what method

Mini Competition Rules

Bush Crawl

  • Uniform is Ghillie Suit (must have at least a top or bottom, viper hoods are acceptable)
  • All competitors compete at one time
  • Competitors must get as close to the end line as possible
  • If competitors are shot or spotted, they are eliminated
  • The spot of elimination will be marked and the player will walk off the field
  • Competitor who got closest to the end line when time is up wins
  • Competition is over when 30 minutes has elapsed or all competitors have been eliminated, which ever comes first

9 Hole Barrier

  • No LMGs. One Mag. Midcaps only
  • Competitor must stay behind barrier
  • Competitor will fire one shot per firing position. 15 total
  • Target will be 30ft away
  • If a shot is missed or there is a rule break, the competitor is disqualified
  • Fastest completion times wins
  • If there is a tie, there will be a tie breaker round involving all competitors who tied for first place

Best Wookie Competition 

  • Uniform is a full Ghillie Suit (top, bottom, hat/hood)
  • Bolt Action rifles. Pistols only for side arms
  • Up to 5 competitors compete at one time
  • Competitors must complete all tasks
    1. Ghillie Sprint, unknown distance
    2. Standing Shoot with Rifle, 100 ft
    3. Ghillie Crawl, unknown distance
    4. Free Shoot with Rifle, 300 ft (any shooting position you want)
    5. Ghillie Sprint, 270 ft
    6. Pistol Shoot, 30 ft
    7. Wookie Yell, has to be as loud as you can
  • For task 2, 4, and 6 competitors must hit the target
  • Rifle and side arm must remain with the competitor at all times. If there is any rule break, the competitor will be disqualified
  • Fastest time wins


  • No LMGs allowed.
  • 1 competitor at a time
  • 1 round per competitor
  • Competitors will engage a 5 inch steel target that will range in between 69ft-117ft away
  • In the event that every competitor misses, another round will begin
  • In the event that more than 1 competitor hits the target, another round will begin consisting of only those who hit the target. This will continue until only 1 remains.
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